The Commercial Case for Intelligent Authentication

Matt Smallman
Matt Smallman
1 min read
Last updated
4 Feb 2021

In the second instalment of our occasional video series “The Business of Intelligent Authentication,” Dan Miller of Opus Research and I discussed making the business case for intelligent authentication. It was fascinating to reflect on how the case has evolved over the years and why now might be the right time for many organisations to go back and look again. We covered:

  • Traditional View – Efficiency – It’s all about efficiency and reducing cost through reduced agent handle time. Whilst true for most organisations, these benefits were often outweighed by the costs.
  • Changing Fraud Drivers – Security – Fraud is now everyone’s problem, and Intelligent Authentication enables better defences without a massive detrimental impact on efficiency or experience.
  • Future Strategic Imperative – Usability and Customer Experience – The enduring role of the Voice channel and the changing nature of these interactions requires a different way of thinking about authentication.

You can watch the video by signing in or registering with BrightTalk below.

Our next discussion will be available in a few weeks and covers the human side for Intelligent Authentication and the team it takes to be successful.

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