Event: Understanding and Mitigating Voice Biometrics Vulnerabilities

Hosted by:
Matt Smallman
Matt Smallman
Thursday 4 May 2023
16:00 - 16:50 BST




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Understanding and Mitigating Voice Biometrics Vulnerabilities

About the event

Voice Biometrics can significantly increase the usability, efficiency and security of your customer-facing security processes, but no security technology is perfect. It’s important to understand and mitigate vulnerabilities when implementing as part of your call centre’s authentication and fraud prevention processes. In this session, Matt Smallman will introduce his framework for assessing the risk and determining appropriate technical and process mitigations, including:

  • ​Bypassing Voice Biometrics – How can fraudsters avoid biometric authentication altogether, and what should you do?
  • ​Imposter enrolment and registration – What are the implications of imposter registration and how to reduce it?
  • ​False Accept Risks – How likely are evil twins, related parties and random strangers to authenticate successfully, and how do you prevent them?
  • Stolen Voices – ​How can recordings or synthetic versions of your user’s voices be used against you, and what to do about it?
  • ​Insider Threats – What is the risk from your own employees?

This session will be followed by an open question and answer session where members will have the opportunity to ask questions and discuss their specific challenges.


Matt Smallman
Matt Smallman

Matt is the author of “Unlock Your Call Centre: A proven way to upgrade security, efficiency and caller experience”, a book based on his more than a decade’s experience transforming the security processes of the world’s most customer-centric organisations.

​​Matt’s mission is to remove “Security Farce” from the call centre and all our lives. All organisations need to secure their call centre interactions, but very few do this effectively today. The processes and methods they use should deliver real security appropriate to the risk, with as little impact on the caller and agent experience as possible. ​​Matt is an independent consultant engaged by end-users of the latest authentication and fraud prevention technologies. As a direct result of his guidance, his clients are some of the most innovative users of modern security technology and have the highest levels of customer adoption. He is currently leading the business design and implementation of modern security for multiple clients in the US and UK.

Local Start Times

  • San Francisco - Thu 08:00 am PDT
  • New York - Thu 11:00 am EDT
  • London - Thu 04:00 pm BST
  • Paris - Thu 05:00 pm CEST
  • Tokyo - Fri 12:00 am JST
  • Sydney - Fri 01:00 am AEST

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